How to Heat a Tent Without Electricity

How to Heat a Tent Without Electricity

You have planned your getaway weekend very well – putting up your camping tent near the beach, atop the mountains, or anywhere outdoors at night, a calming playlist plays in the background, enjoy nature with your favorite beer or wine in hand. 

But have you planned the temperature and weather while you’re there? An unexpected rain might come that can last for hours, or you just didn’t expect that much coldness in the air wherein you may ask how you could heat a tent without electricity. 

Everyone knows that’s impossible, and the solution would be quite simple. Take some notes and be ready to feel that relaxing warmth during your perfect getaway with this guide on how to heat a tent without electricity.

Life Hacks on How to Heat a Tent Without Electricity

So, before you get out there, having the chance of freezing and not enjoying the moment at all, read on for some tent heating ideas to avoid the hassle and mishaps that would ruin your plans of comfort. Here are helpful ways on how to heat a tent without electricity:

1. Rock On

Rocks are naturally present and can be seen everywhere, especially when you are out on camping sites. Geologists say that rocks can store heat within their core. Use this to your advantage when you think the night would be colder than imagined. 

Once you have collected some, place them 5-10 inches away from your campfire, flip them around now and then. When bedtime comes, wrap the heated rocks in any fabric available, like socks and cotton towels, and place them inside your tent.

2. You Don’t Have to “Bottle Up” the Cold

Insulated or high-quality water bottles can store water and have their temperature stay as it is within hours. If you have plenty, you can have hot water stored in it and place it inside your tent or near your sleeping bags.

Wrapping these in clothes can also prolong the temperature inside the bottle and prevent you from hurting if you accidentally touch it.

3. Build Up Barriers

If it is too windy out, heated stones and bottles might be insufficient in heating the tent’s interior. Decrease the gush of wind that passes through your tent with leaf piles. 

Grab onto some branches that still have leaves on them. The fuller, the better. Place it next to your tent; if effectively placed, this can block the wind’s gustiness and decrease its speed. You can also prevent this firsthand by placing your tent in a less open space. This will break off the wind until nothing much comes in your direction.

4. Keep the Fire Burning

You only need to keep that burnt-out campfire burning. The coals and pieces of wood still exude heat as it still has the fire in them. With this, to avoid a wildfire from happening, you can top it with soil to trap the heat inside and have it burn longer.

Campers must note that using this tent heating idea can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning if not executed properly. The fire must be completely off before topping the coal with soil.

5. Invest in a Tent

Tents should be the initial gear that you should look into. Having a durable tent is not the only specific thing that you need to consider. A tent that can be used in any outdoor weather would be the absolute feature—especially great insulation. 

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6. Get yourself a Portable Tent Heater

A portable tent heater comes in many forms that come in with a feature on how to stay warm in a tent. This would be the easiest and hassle-free life hack. Here are a few choices for portable heaters that need no electricity:

  • Catalytic Heater: This type of heater uses propane gas to break down molecules of catalyzed chemical reactions to produce heat. Most brands have a one-pound cylinder that can last up to 7 hours of warmth.
  • Radiant Heater: Radiant heaters use gas which their users should guard. This type of heater does not last much, though. One small canister would last for only four hours, even in a low setting. But, this is a lot better than nothing. 
  • Electric Heater: Electric heaters should be rechargeable or have batteries and not electricity from the camping site. This option might be the safest one yet. No fire or gas, just batteries doing their thing.
  • Candle Heater: “How to heat a tent with a candle?” you may ask. Well, it is one of the oldest methods that campers use to heat up. This method requires a clay pot and candles that you light up inside of it.

However, since you might be off trekking or hiking, which leads to thousands of steps, and any weight that can be taken off should be lifted, it is advisable to use lanterns instead of heavy pots.


What is the safest way to warm yourself during camping?

The safest way is to have an electric heater with you. The catalytic heater uses chemicals, the radiant heater uses gas, and the candle heater uses real fire on candles. One large blow of the wind and you’re out.

How to heat a tent without electricity in the most inexpensive way?

The most inexpensive would be the heating of the rocks. It may be less convenient, and no one could know how long the heat lasts in every rock. But, you won’t spend a single penny. Just the matches you light up the branches and leaves with but just that.

Except for natural and portable heaters, how can someone heat a tent without electricity?

An individual cannot heat a tent without electricity if the unit he/she owns is not a 4-season type that can lessen the penetration of the cold wind and weather. To minimize the coldness further, you might need to invest in a more comfortable sleeping pad or bag and wear more appropriate clothes.


Whether your concern is budget, lack of placement in setting your tents up, or safety, all types of heating ways can be decided and weighed by you. Campers can save lives and a night of comfortable sleep by knowing how to heat a tent without electricity. This is why they should have their natural heaters, portable heaters, and additional equipment to mitigate the cold weather’s effects.

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